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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/NeighborhoodThrowaw2 on 2023-08-04 11:25:49.

My 20G I’m autistic so i don’t get social clues that easily also i’m majoring in biology.

Yesterday we had a family gathering after mu brother got his first inborn and everyone seemed happy and giving their congratulations.

When i saw the baby and his green eyes i couldn’t hold the thought about how can he have a green eyes while his parents has hazel-brownish eyes.

And i told my SIL it’s abit suspicious that her inborn has green eyes while hers and my brother has hazel eyes and she said that she asked the doctor and he said that it’s normal for the inborn to have a lighter eyes and it will get darker as he grows.

I said that’s weird because as far as I remember from my biology classes that happens when one of the parents has lighter and the other darker eyes.

And i asked her if she’s sure that nothing happened after her nightshift job ( her work time alternate each month)

She suddenly said she doesn’t feel well and i want to sleep and asked us if we could leave

And then i left with my mom and she called me AH for hurting her feelings and i have no degree in medicine and their doctor knows better than me.

    22 years ago

    For anyone wondering: it absolutely is not uncommon for two brown-eyed people to have a green-eyed child. OOP probably had an F in biology class.

      22 years ago

      As a fellow autistic person my prediction is OP feels confident in the precision, without there being any precision at all.

      Notice for example how OP starts the post with “My 20G”. This is nonsense yet OP typed it out and submitted it.

      OP’s not as infallible as he thinks.