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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/swtogirl on 2024-07-06 03:16:05+00:00.

I am not OOP. OOP is u/LaReinalicious and she posted to r/TrueOffMyChest

Do NOT comment on Original Posts. See rule 7. This sub has a 7-day waiting period so the latest update is at least 7 days old.

Trigger Warning: Voluntary euthanasia

Mood Spoiler: Sad, but very sweet and wholesome

I don’t have anyone to tell this story to June 13, 2024

I made a friend named Judy (NOT REAL NAME) at a Writing group. She is 95. I am 62. I visited her at her apartment a few times and helped her with her computer and we really hit it off.

She told me that some medication she was taking was making her feel sick, I asked her what it was for. She said she is just riddled with bone cancer.

She published a book of poetry, I went to her book launch party at the beginning of May. She had a friend there named Mike (NOT REAL NAME) who is about my age.

I thought he was a very very attractive man and intelligent.

I went up to Judy and asked her if he was single and she said he was.

(Judy had told me about Mike quite a few times and what a wonderful person he was and what a great friend to her. He is also a writer)

I tried to flirt with him and ask him out but he was chatting with some other woman about publishing. I felt embarrassed so I left.

I received an email yesterday from someone in the Writing Group that we were both in that Judy has made the decision to end her life as she had had a stroke about two weeks ago and has not been well at all in the last month.

(Medical assistance in dying) -completely legal in Canada-

I was shocked to hear this as she was seemingly so well and in great spirits the last time I saw her.

I decided to call her to say goodbye. I phoned her yesterday and we had a lovely chat and she told me that she was very happy with her decision to end her life this Saturday afternoon and that she had family coming to be with her.

We had a good conversation and I told her how much I appreciate her friendship, and I told her I thought that her husband who already passed away would be there to welcome her to the other side. I was sad to think that I will never see my friend Judy again.

I thought that chapter with me and Judy was now closed.

-Just about five minutes ago I received a phone call from Judy. She wanted to give me Mike’s phone number and asked me to call him. Apparently he thought I was also a very nice person and wanted to know more about me! I explained that I had liked him very much I thought he was very attractive and that I had embarrassed myself so I left. Judy thought this was really funny and cute. Apparently I made some kind of impression on him because he mentioned me to Judy several times. She gave me his phone number and asked me to call him and thought that we would be good for each other!

I said I would call him in a week or so.

What a lovely gesture playing matchmaker for two of her friends before she leaves this world.

I have been quite lonely lately and really wanting to have a partner in my life.

Relevant Comments:


Omg. Call him. So you can give her a final update before passing. What a sweet story!


I said I would wait to call him and she agreed that it would be best to wait about a week -

But what if I did call him and things didn’t go well and then I would have to tell her that before she passed -


Girl. He asked about you… If things don’t go well for some reason( I can’t think of any) you can at least tell your friend you’ve been in contact. I’m sorry for your coming loss, your friend will no doubt be watching over you , whatever happens. Good luck!

I have to go show my daughter this cute story now…you’ve got to update me if things go well 😊

OOP (also posted in a separate post on June 14, 2024, the morning after OP):

UPDATE she called me again this morning and asked me to come to her apartment to pick up an envelope to bring to him and ask him out for lunch and to call him later today.

She said she wants to know what happens!


I’m sooo excited for you! Try to calm your nerves- just be your lovely self that your friend admires so much…this sounds like the universe has plans for you!


Omg I am loving this! Go get that man, girl! And so good on you for supporting your friend during this time. I think it is actually pretty amazing that we are getting to the point of being able to have dignity in the end, and choosing when we are ready to be done. [95] years is a long life and I hope it was just as beautiful as it sounds like Judy is 🖤

2nd Update to Judy the almost heavenly matchmaker June 14, 2024 (1 day after OP, 3 hours after the mini-update in the comments)

Update!! I have the envelope in hand and have arranged to meet him for coffee in one hour. Judy gave me an envelope and wants us to read it together. I am at the coffee shop waiting for him right now. She wants me to report back to her this afternoon!

Relevant Comments:


I JUST saw your first post, and 1# Judy sounds like such a wonderful person ❤️ I think we all need a Judy in our lives! 2# I am waiting with bated breath and on the tips of my toes!!!

This internet stranger has nothing but the best of wants and wishes for you, dear friend!!! I hope you and Mike are just beginning a beautiful love story 💜💜💜💜


This is the beginning of something so good!


I’m so invested! Tell us how it went.

3rd Update to Judy the almost heavenly matchmaker June 14, 2024 (4 hours later)

I nervously waited for Mike to arrive he was about five minutes late.

When he arrived I explained to him that this was not MY idea and that Judy had asked me to meet him and had called me again and had asked me to bring him the envelope, and open it together.

He said that sounded just like her!

He predicted what was going to be in the envelope.

He told me that he had known her for about 10 years whereas I had only known her for about 8 months.

We talked about our lives and what we had done, jobs, careers, marriage, divorce, kids. Etc

He is a very intelligent, funny attractive man, we seem to be compatible.

He told me that he had said to Judy (when I met him that one time at the book party, )that he had after wards commented to her that I was very forthright and he found that attractive.

At that book launch party I wanted to talk to him more and another woman was capitalizing his attention, talking about some kind of publishing. He apologized for talking to the other lady instead of me, and he said he couldn’t stand her and tried to get away from her to chat with me some more and when he had turned around I was gone.

I told him that I was embarrassed that I had put my foot in it by asking him out and that I just left because I was so embarrassed.

Anyhow we had a great time at the restaurant chatting about pretty much everything in life.

He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner at a pretty nice fancy waterfront restaurant. He asked me if I had been there before and I said I had not. I had to leave because I had to be back at work.

I asked him if he wanted to meet another time to open the envelope and he said “No, I want to open it right now I want to see what she is up to”

So I sat beside him and we opened the envelope together. …

Content cut off. Read original on

  • @[email protected]M
    13 months ago

    He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner at a pretty nice fancy waterfront restaurant. He asked me if I had been there before and I said I had not. I had to leave because I had to be back at work.

    I asked him if he wanted to meet another time to open the envelope and he said “No, I want to open it right now I want to see what she is up to”

    So I sat beside him and we opened the envelope together.

    It was just as he had predicted a beautiful hand written note and a whole bunch of cash!

    $450 😳

    The note expressed her love "forever and ever " and said "please go and have a nice supper! " I said that is several nice suppers. And I told him that he was right about his prediction. He said he didn’t want the money, I said I didn’t want it either, but if I took it back to her apartment her son would get it tomorrow… so I said she wanted us to have it so we should keep it. He asked me to keep it in my handbag.

    So we left the coffee/ envelope meeting and I gave him a warm hug and he said he would call me and we would go out for dinner.

    As we parted, we talked a little bit about what an amazing person Judy is and how we are both going to miss her.

    I called Judy and told her what transpired

    And she said, “I am so pleased!”

    I told her that Mike was going to call her later this afternoon as well.

    Tomorrow her family is going to be there with her when she departs this world.

    Relevant Comments:


    Judy is definitely a real one. May we all find ourselves a Judy in our lifetimes.

    MVP / RIP


    Wow OP! Judy Is really something beyond amazing. She will be missed. It’s like karma brought and Judy, brought you two together. Best wishes.


    Thanks - I hope it turns into something good, and if it doesn’t I have definitely made a new friend in Mike!

    4th Update to Judy the now in heaven matchmaker June 16, 2024 (3 days from OP)

    Judy transcended yesterday -

    Mike and I have talked on the phone a few times a day since we met on Friday and opened the envelope and and we also have been texting.

    It seems like we really HAVE clicked! 🤞

    I am kind of astonished at this whole situation.

    Today (Sunday) we are going to an IMAX movie together this afternoon!

    I invited him to go with me to my regular weekly pub afternoon with my friends, he said he would love to join us.

    We are both open to seeing where this goes!

    Relevant Comments:


    I’m so happy for you!! It’s so nice to read a story like this on Reddit. (Still crying for Judy.)


    GNU Judy ❤️


    :) What does GNU mean? I asked the interweb and it said a linuxOS


    Celebrated author Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novel, Going Postal, tells of the creation of an internet-like system of communication towers called “the clacks”. When John Dearheart, the son of its inventor, is murdered, a piece of code is written called “GNU John Dearheart” to echo his name up and down the lines. “G” means that the message must be passed on, “N” means “not logged”, and “U” means the message should be turned around at the end of a line. (This was also a realworld tech joke: GNU is a free operating system, and its name stands, with recursive geek humour, for “GNU’s not Unix”.) The code causes Dearheart’s name to be repeated indefinitely throughout the system, because: “A man is not dead while his name is still spoken.”

    Fans of his often use GNU name as a way to honour not only Sir Terry but lost loved ones of their own. It’s a way to keep their name alive. From what you wrote about her, it’s clear Judy was someone who should be remembered.

    5th Update to Judy the heavenly matchmaker June 22, 2024 (9 days from OP)

    Just thought you guys might want to know how things are going.

    Yesterday marked one full week since we opened the envelope!

    A lot has happened.

    We have been seeing each other every other day, and last night Mike came over to my house and things were said and done that made it clear that we are now an item! 😘

    We actually have a lot in common and really enjoy each other’s company.

    I am rather mind blown by how my life has turned around into something new in the past week.

    I was pretty bored and lonely and quite sad. Now I feel happy and invigorated!

    I am ever so grateful that Judy came into my life, and sent me Mike.

    Relevant Comments:


    Great update. You never know what life has planned for us. Keep on updating us.

    Editor’s Note: Things are off to a good start with OOP’s budding relationship with Mike. Hopefully, she will give us further updates down the road.

    Reminder: I am not OOP. Do NOT comment on Original Posts. No Brigading! See Rule 7.