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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/Neat-Creme4439 on 2023-09-25 07:32:05.


Apologies in advance as I have asked similar in this Reddit before.

I am trying to pass N5 this December and on practice tests I seem to do very well all until it gets to the questions where you have to choose a sentence that means similar to the question sentence. I do somewhat well on this area but many questions are wrong. On the listening part I probably get about 2 questions correct.

It seems vocabulary is the issue and grammar too. I’ve tried Genki, but I just can’t seem to stick with it. However, I am able to stick with Anki, using it every day and making many notes from YouTube channels such as Game Gengo and CureDolly (old faithful). In Anki, I go over a mix of vocabulary with sentence examples and kanji recognition. With Game Gengo, I recently went over his verb conjugation video and I am conjugating all Genki verbs using the notes I made to build my knowledge in how to conjugate correctly.

But I am not making progress quickly enough, and now I have so many resources that I’ve noticed that I’m not actually improving at all. I seem to be stuck in a loop of the same skill level and I don’t know how to break out of it. I have many apps, bunpo, bunpro but the latter is filled with grammar (60 entries) that I’m always getting wrong. I have easy Japanese with news articles I can’t read etc. I found an italki tutor that works for me who is excellent for speaking and sentence building, but she can only do a lesson once a month roughly.

Does anyone have any advice to get me to full N5 level that excludes going through the Genki textbooks and going through TheMoeWay etc? I just need this last push in the right direction and then I can return to a more structured method.

Thank you

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I feel bad adding to your list but might be worth checking out:

    I feel like you’ll find it easier to use the Grammer after hearing it/using it instead of trying to calculate it based on the rules.

    It also helps for me because I feel like Japanese is a context based language. As in don’t be surprised to find out that you’re actually correct grammatically but the reason you’re wrong in bunpro is because technically they’re looking to highlight a certain thing in the sentence. ChatGPT has been instrumental for me to find out why a certain Grammer point was used. (Though it can be wrong too).