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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/Twisted_Cabbage on 2023-11-02 15:42:39.

SS: So new data…and its related ti collapse because its more data to show that we are fucked…far harder and more raw than we thought. All those faster than expected headlines are starting to make sense now. Lets see how those at the other environmental subs react to this news. Those commenting on this post in r/climate appear more collapse aware than i would have thought. Maybe it’s just collapsniks and that the hopium.addicts are to positivity oriented to even read such news.

“This new paper reevaluates climate sensitivity based on improved paleoclimate data, finding that climate is more sensitive than usually assumed. Their best estimate for doubled CO2 is global warming of 4.8°C, significantly larger than the 3°C best estimate of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”

“This new paper predicts that a post-2010 acceleration of global warming will soon be apparent above the level of natural climate variability. The 1970-2010 global warming rate of 0.18°C per decade is predicted to increase to at least 0.27°C per decade during the few decades after 2010. As a result, the 1.5°C global warming level will be passed this decade and the 2°C level will be passed within the following two decades.”: