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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/TryingtoGetWell28 on 2023-11-06 19:07:31.

Haiti has had the very unfortunate experience of being historically exploited, crippled by unreasonable debt, and alienated from the international community since colonialism. Since it’s inhabitants freed themselves from the grips of Europeans, they didn’t have much of a chance to build their own economy and society. Other colonialist countries wanted to make an example of not trading with them or acknowledging their dignity or rights.

Haiti has gone through various crisis with some help from other countries in more recent times, yet the country is basically in an state of anarchy and unpredictable danger. What do they do now? It’s even risky for humanitarian aid to try to help. Should people be assisted with leaving the region and / or should aid be air dropped in?

As quoted from Wikipedia: “Since the turn of the 21st century, Haiti has endured a coup d’état, which prompted U.N. intervention, as well as a catastrophic earthquake that killed over 250,000 people and a cholera outbreak. With its deteriorating economic situation, as well as recent calls by the IMF to cut fuel subsidies,[39] Haiti has been experiencing a socioeconomic and political crisis marked by riots and protests, widespread hunger, and increased gang activity.[40] As of February 2023, Haiti has no remaining elected government officials and has been described as a failed state.”