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The original was posted on /r/truscum by /u/dieSchleiereule7362 on 2024-01-27 21:53:45.

Why don’t anti-trans people read up on why & how transitioning positively affects the majority of trans people? Do they assume anything that challenges their worldview is fake?

Why don’t they advocate for better access to therapy (and/or make therapy free/cheaper) for everyone if they’re so concerned about mentally ill non-trans people [of any age] transitioning? Why not work towards eliminating inequality? Eliminating homelessness? Poverty? Sexism? Discrimination? Gun violence? These are all things that would greatly improve peoples’ mental health.

Instead of denying HRT & surgeries for truely-trans trans people, work towards improving access to therapy so those who are not trans can get the treatment they actually need.

My mother is graciously paying $30.00 a week for me to see a therapist, and that’s with insurance. I won’t be able to afford therapy once I’m kicked off her health insurance. That’s fucked up.

Unfortunately, these people are incapable of nuance, so everything I’ve said here translates to “mandated conversion therapy before anyone can transition”.

I’m tired of this shit. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to fix this, but I’ve got nothing (other than the above). Stay safe out there.