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The original was posted on /r/2007scape by /u/Zeeldax on 2024-05-12 20:32:44+00:00.

Hi guys!

Around half a year ago I lost my baby chinchompa pet in a ToA wipe. My clan leader was kind enough to make a twitter post to adress this (since I don’t have twitter) and I also made a ticket through OSRS website.

Nothing has happened… Auto reply from the ticket system saying Jagex can’t restore pets in OSRS.

I recently came back to the game and one of my friends told me to check the Pet list in my PoH to see if it would show up there since it doesn’t show up in the collection log. Guess what? It did!

I got my baby chinchompa pet in 2016 which was before collection log was even in the game. When I did obtain it I went to Probita and paid for it to be insured (like you had to do back then) and it clearly states my pet is still insured even though it doesn’t show up in collection log which is weird. I’ve died with my pet before collection log was introduced into the game and never had issues with reclaiming it from Probita until this ToA death.

I’ve decided to make a post here at reddit to adress this issue, is there anyone else that has had this happen to them as well?