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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/threateningwarmth on 2024-05-30 13:58:33+00:00.
I have dumped Alexa and now have three Wyoming satellites sprinkled throughout the house and have them connected to chat GPT because I like the more contextual response and being able to send multiple commands rather than just one at a time. I wanted to touch on something that isn’t really talked about much in the documentation or the tutorial at all that I remember in regards to false detections.
I see a lot of people making a statement that their satellites have a lot of false detections and that they’ve tried tuning the auto gain and the mic volume to no avail and I seen some people posting microphone volumes Way beyond what they should be using because it distorts the audio.
I’m going to talk about detection threshold. The threshold value is between 0-1 which could also confuse some people. The default value is 0.5. this mean that open wake word only needs to be 50% sure That the audio matches the Wake word. For me that was insanely low and produced a lot of false detections.
Adjusting the threshold value is done in the openwakeword.service. I have mine set to be 95% sure that the Wake word matches the audio that it’s analyzing. My personal value is 0.95. in the openwakeword.service at the end of the ExecStart line Is where you change that value.
At the end of the line add:
–threshold 0.9
This tells open wake word that it needs to be 90% sure that the trigger audio matches the wakeword. You can go up and down from there but it’s a good place to start testing.
If you already have a satellite up and running and you add that value don’t forget to restart the wyoming-openwakeword AND then wyoming-satellite services.
Also I see some people posting that put their mic volume to like 2 or 3 instead of the default value of 1. Going above 1 can cause audio distortion. My suggestion is to start with these values.
mic_gain: 5 noise_suppression: 1 or 2 mic_volume: 1 threshold: 0.9
Once you’ve set those values test your wake word from different areas and with different background noise on and then adjust as needed.
I have also found that some wake words are better than others. My SO wanted it to be Alexa for an easy transition because we’ve had them for so long but I found there were still a handful of false activations per day with that wake word. I have tested ok nabu and hey Jarvis and have settled on hey Jarvis. I’m down to maybe one false activation during the day.
I hope this helps a few people. I’ve played with a lot of the options and this is my fourth hardware build and I’ve settled on this solution. I tried an esp32 with esphome, the esp32 box 3, and the Atom Echo and all three of those attempts failed. It’s my opinion that currently today the Wyoming satellite is the best solution and I’m sure there are people who will disagree and that’s okay.
Good Luck!