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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Efficient_Composer18 on 2024-06-14 21:29:40+00:00.

My husband and I have a condo in a large city but we visit the small town he grew up in so often that we purchased a second home there - this way we can live in the city (where we prefer) but still spend plenty of time with family and friends in his hometown.

Around 3 months ago new neighbors moved in next door to the small town home. The neighbors seemed nice but we really value our space and privacy so we wave when we see them and periodically invite them to join us when we host a get-together but don’t reach out to them otherwise.

After a few weeks I noticed the wife (AD) frequently began making comments comparing herself to me. It seemed innocuous at first - she said things like “I wish I had a career like yours so we could have two homes instead of struggling to pay one mortgage”. It felt uncomfortable but I brushed it off. Recently the comments have become more specific, like “I wish I looked like you so I could have a husband that’s as great as yours because my home life sucks”. Somehow she finds a way to insert these comments into nearly every conversation but I try to gloss over them and change the subject.

AD’s husband works out of state during the week, which is 100% by choice because he was recently offered a significant raise to work locally and he turned it down. After a few weeks AD began texting me every day asking if she could come over in the evenings - we typically have plans but were free on two of these evenings so I invited AD and her child over for dinner (this is where I think I fucked up).

AD lingered for hours after dinner, even after we told her multiple times that we were winding down for the night, and she continued making uncomfortable comments so I didn’t invite her over again. She’s rang our doorbell at 5:30pm every night for the past two weeks to invite herself over but after a workday full of meetings I don’t have the energy to entertain so I’ve told her that we’re busy. I didn’t reply to her texts/doorbell ring yesterday because I was tired of making excuses and just wanted to spend time with my husband.

Last night my husband and I had some errands to run so we picked up dinner, turned out all the lights and cozied up in the living room to watch tv around 10:00pm. As we unpacked our dinner the dogs started barking loudly at the back door so I got up from the couch and walked toward them, only to see AD emerge from the darkness of our dining room. She walked past me, laid down on the couch and said “I’m lonely and you haven’t been replying to my texts so I tried your back door and it was unlocked. I just want to spend time with you.”

By nature I’m very reserved and it takes a long time for me to open up to new people so I’m absolutely reeling at the idea that I’ve somehow given off the impression that it’s okay for AD to barge into my home whenever she wants.

TL;DR I was friendly to my new neighbors and the wife has become alarmingly clingy.