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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Cuckie_Monster64 on 2024-06-17 08:35:01+00:00.

Will keep it short as possible… Had a family emergency that had me call out of work for a total of 2 days. Had to get a hotel. Sent my senior manager a text, telling her " Hey, sorry, family emergency, will be out for the next couple of days. “… Her response? " I understand that you may be going through a hard time, but please make sure that you make today’s online meeting and keep me informed. " … I was dealing with a real emergency!, She told me it was " unacceptable” if I didn’t maintain contact with her before returning to work…

I saw that text and was disgusted. Family comes first…Even over money and especially a company… Just… Wow. And no follow up from her after we dealt with our medical emergency. Once I got back to work, no questions about what happened, just " ok so here’s what we need to do tonight ( was on a night shift ) F*ck these people!