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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/otisreddingg on 2024-06-17 12:55:34+00:00.

Everyone is a redneck. It’s like working with a bunch of high schoolers who never grew up. I think a lot of the guys here are racist. I say what’s up or good morning and they look at the ground. One guy mean mugs me every time I see him. I’ve never even talked to the guy but he looks like he wants to kill me.

The work environment is dangerous and nobody cares. Someone lost a finger and a foot last month. Like what the hell? People here are getting cancer and I’m sure it’s from all the crap flying in the air.

I’ve never been this sick in my life working somewhere. I get daily migraines, my skin gets blotches on it, I’ve developed a terrible cough that I can’t shake. Plus my hair is starting to fall out. (Could be a combo of stress and aging).

I’ve seen people split their hands open and instead of cleaning it like a sane person they just keep working. Literally got blood over all the work surfaces and tools and everyone acts like it’s normal. People go in the back of the plant and do drugs, people steal any and everything, fights break out over stupid shit. There’s no cameras in the plant so nothing is ever done to fix any issues.

I’d rather scrub my balls with sandpaper than work in this place again.