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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/WhiskyTangoFoxtr0t on 2024-06-17 13:39:14+00:00.

Hubby has worked at a well known camping/fishing/hunting company for a couple years now, always 40 hours scheduled. Occasionally he and other full time employees would end up getting a bit of overtime when helping customers (its not like they can say “Whoops sorry I just hit 40 hours, let me find another employee to finish helping you!”)

They used to say that those employees would have to leave x-number-of-minutes early at the end of the week to avoid the overtime.

At their morning meeting they just announced that they are going to schedule all the full timers at 35 hours so that no one goes over 40 and thus accrues overtime! This is asinine. I told him to try to keep track of his hours every week so that he can at least “try” to get as close to 40 by helping people past his scheduled lave time, without getting in trouble. Anyone else dealt with this kind of stupidity from corporate?