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The original was posted on /r/truespotify by /u/sentient_saw on 2024-06-22 16:38:35+00:00.

I just got done with a hour long chat with support. I’m trying to switch our Premium Duo plan to a Basic Family Plan so I can add our kids and opt for a plan that doesn’t include audio books to save money. After an hour between two people, they told me I can’t “downgrade” my account to a Basic Family Plan.

Is anyone else dealing with this bullshit? I’ve been a premium subscriber for over ten years and I haven’t complained even though podcasts and audiobooks have been forced on my subscription while fees continue to rise.

After all my loyalty, this may be the breaking point.

And they also told me there’s no way to contact them via phone. I wanted to escalate my request. Does anyone know how to reach support via phonecall?