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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Glad-Boysenberry3711 on 2024-06-23 03:30:15+00:00.

This scenario happened to me twice in the last year. Wondering if anyone else has encountered it.

The first time I got approached in the parking lot of a supermarket as I was putting groceries into the car. A polite girl came to me and asked if I could give her some gas so she could get back to her hometown. Seemed strange - not asking for money, but for gas. There was a gas station barely a mile away, and even if I had wanted to help, wouldn’t have known how - I don’t have gas cans in the car.

Had almost forgotten it, but happened again a few days ago. I was checking my phone in the car when a guy and a girl knocked on my window and asked to get some gas from my tank to drive to wherever. Seemed nice, but it was two of them, I was alone in a nearly empty parking lot, so I just said Sorry and drove away.

What might be the deal with this setup?