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The original was posted on /r/nixos by /u/Mundane_Resident3366 on 2024-06-23 02:03:37+00:00.

I would like to say so far NixOS has quickly become my favorite linux distribution.

I’d like to think I’ve gotten somewhat a decent grasp on the basics I run everything out of my configuration.nix file and I’ve had zero problems.

I’ve spent a bit of time watching some videos on youtube about nix and things like flakes and home manager. So far I’ve been getting along pretty well without them, I’ve often been told as long as you don’t touch flakes or home manager nix is pretty simple to get along with. And so far I’d agree.

However I’ve noticed things like discord not having Krisp support and after some googling I’ve discovered that Krisp does not load because the discord available via nix is patched to make it work with nix and something about if the checksums don’t match then Krisp doesn’t load.

I also saw someone had a work around for it but apparently this requires using flakes.

Can someone help me out with a simple explanation on flakes?

From what I gather flakes are a method of installing a very specific version of a program?

Every time I watch a video about flakes I feel like my brain totally melts.

Part of me is like heck it just install flatpack and install discord from there to continue to avoid flakes, but I know this isn’t the nix way.