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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/hollow-root on 2024-06-23 18:30:39+00:00.

today is the 15th year anniversary of my paternal grandmother’s passing, and i felt like it was a good time to share how i fully believe she saved my life when i was a kid.

she passed away when i was 10 years old, it wasn’t a surprise or anything, as she had been disabled and ill for her entire life, but it really hit me hard as we always had a very close bond and we absolutely adored each other.

a few months after she passed away, i was walking home from school by myself (i lived in a safe town in scotland, dont worry!) and i was texting my mum to let her know i was on my way home. i was too focused on my phone to pay attention to the upcoming crossing (i know, im disappointed in myself too) when all of a sudden, inside my head, i hear my grandmother screaming for me to stop. i did, right as my feet hit the curb of the crossing, and right as a car swerved out of nowhere and raced right in front of me onto the main road.

i was rattled by this, and everyone i’ve told this story to tries to explain away my experience through my peripheral mind playing tricks on me, but i’m 100% sure that what i experienced was the truth, and that even my grandma was still looking after me, even after death.