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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/Marleena62 on 2024-06-23 16:22:37+00:00.

This actually happened a few months ago, but I thought it might keep someone else from becoming a victim.

I got a unexpected bill in the mail from a computer company thanking me for buying a laptop computer (with details about the computer). I looked at my credit card (on-line) statement and sure enough, there was a charge for about $3600. I immediately called the fraud department of my bank and reported it as a fraud charge. They flagged it and sent me a form to make a “statement” that it was not my charge, and sent me a new card. They have subsequently taken the charge off my credit card statement.

I then called the (legitimate) computer company and spoke to someone that said that the computer had been sent out a few days ago via FedEx and had been “received”. He then read back to me my real name and address and credit card number. I told him I never ordered or received any computer. Afterwards I even checked around my house to see if a box had been delivered (none). He later called me back and said that the box had been diverted (by my instruction) and picked up at a FedEx office instead of delivery to my house. They are doing an investigation with FedEx. I don’t know what they are doing but at least I haven’t been charged for the computer. It’s creepy though that someone has so much of my personal information - address, phone number etc.

My lesson learned - I ALWAYS check my credit card statements on a daily basis for mystery charges.