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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/thesaltiestchick on 2024-06-24 14:47:41+00:00.

I work at an apartment complex for elderly independent residents. I had this sweet resident ask me for help with her cell phone two weeks ago. It was an iPhone and it was making a strange static noise and it was very loud.

I thought it was an app she had open or maybe a YouTube video. We closed all her apps and it was still making the noise. The weirdest thing. Almost like beach waves roaring but not quite. I couldn’t figure out what was causing that noise. I turned it off and on and the noise was gone. She thanked me and went about her day.

The noise made me feel strange. It was like I wanted to pass out.

I was on vacation all last week and I haven’t seen any of our residents. I was suppose to return today. I woke up last night around 3 am to use the bathroom. I couldn’t go back to sleep. I ended up calling out early this morning by texting my manager at 3:13 am. Later this morning she texted me that the resident had passed away over the weekend and her son found her in her kitchen.

She was sweetest lady. She gave me a box of her old clothes a couple weeks ago and I washed it and it’s sitting in my closet.