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The original was posted on /r/scams by /u/bonerjohnson on 2024-06-25 18:48:29+00:00.

I’m honestly amazed anyone could fall for this. She’s about as technology inept as it gets. Some acquaintance convinced her to make a facebook when she has no idea what she’s doing. She left some comment on some “country singer” facebook/youtube. Someone pretending to be celebrity contacts her.

So of course I try to explain this is fake. Try to hlep her block the emails etc. I notice she keeps getting all this mail from credit card companies. I ask did you sign up for credit cards? “no”.

Suspicious of course it is. She gets a new mattress. I ask well who paid for that. She’s old and no income and no relatives or friends are buying things. “Someone”.

I’m more confused when I suddenly got a ton of gas points at a local grocery store. A ton of transactions I don’t recognize. Figure well maybe someone put my number in by mistake. No … of course she did it.

Finally try to find out what the hell exactly is going on. Yeah someone pretending to be this “celebrity”. “They said they were real”. Any proof? no of course not. They said they needed cash urgently. They’d “fly her out to nashville but they needed cash from giftcards”. Yeah because that’s completley believable.

Yeah they conned her into giving away her ID/SSID then signed her up for credit cards. Credit report showed 20 some credit card applications. Only 2-3 got approved since she has no income. Apparently they lied on the application to do that.

They convinced her to buy a mattress and they’d pay it off. They convinced her to buy 1500 dollars of gift cards. Google. Apple. Nordstrom.

I have no idea how someone could for someone like this that makes absolutely no sense. The gift cards are likely a complete loss since it’s been weeks or even 5 days on the latest. No idea on the mattress but I’m guessing since she bought both in person she’s just screwed even in the case of identity theft.

I’ve had her cancel the cards, credit freeze, fraud alert, and try to send a FTC report but I’m not sure if there’s anything else that can be done. Only thing she even has on the scammer is some email and phone number likely just burners and fake.

I’m more annoyed than anything family I was trying to help just lied to me repeatedly because the scammer said not to tell anyone. Like hell ask literally anyone and they’ll tell you never to give gift card numbers out.

Just curious if there’s anything else she can do or if the credit and debt is just a complete ruin.