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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/secure-raspberry-763 on 2024-06-25 21:49:46+00:00.

I am not OP. That is u/KronkLaSworda who posted to r/antiwork

Original Post  May 29th, 2024

Just venting, possible advice needed.

I’m a Senior Engineer with a large, multinational chemical company.  The previous Principal Engineer left the company 2 years ago.  We also lost 2 other Senior Engineers within that month to transitions, so I was doing the work of 4 people.  It took 10 months before 2 replacement engineers were hired and complete training. I was the only person on call, weekend and nights during that time, including Hurricane coverage during 2 storms (near miss, thankfully).   Since then, I’ve started taking on the Principal Engineer’s tasks and leading an LSS Black Belt project.  None of which is in my job description.

When I agreed to the BB project and the Principal Engineer’s tasks last October, I told him I expected a promotion to Principal Engineer.  2 weeks ago, during our one-on-one meeting, I reminded him of the tasks I had accepted and the promotion.  He said he put my name in for promotion, but couldn’t give me a timeline.  Yesterday, he grilled me on my BB project.  Timeline, what the expected savings were, etc.  It wasn’t a casual conversation, or a typical catch-up conversation.  It was rapid-fire, question after question, like he was looking for holes in my project or looking for excuses not to support my promotion.

After sleeping on it, I set up a meeting with HR to find out if he even put my name in the hat for promotion and what the expected timeline is. I’m fully prepared to demand a transition to another department and start over as senior engineer, and immediately squash my BB project and Principal Engineer duties if he lied about putting me up for promotion, in addition to kicking this higher up the ladder.   If denied promotion, I for damn sure am dropping the BB project and PE duties.

Just frustrated and feel like I’m being strung along.

Update on Boss dangling promotion for nearly a year…  June 18th, 2024

Original post here.

So, short update.  I got tired of waiting and went straight to my boss’s boss.  We don’t really have much of a working relationship.  But I laid out all of the responsibilities I had taken on and the discussion I had with my boss the previous year about my promotion being past due.  The discussion was calm and rational, and productive.

I found out that all promotions on our site had been on hold from last October, which was news to me.  So my boss had basically been telling me that I was up for promotion for more than 6 months and letting me pound away on the new tasks without telling me all promotions were in limbo.

Then she stated that they would be starting to go over promotions in the next month or so with the site leadership team meetings, and that she wasn’t aware of my name being on the list, but would look into it.  I saw red for a bit, but I figured I’d let her look into it before reacting.  Did he even put my name in the hat? Long story short, they ended up promoting me within 2 weeks of that discussion.

When my boss told me in private last Thursday that I was promoted, he then immediately spent 10 minutes on why I should not have been promoted.  The fucker couldn’t even let me enjoy this win for a single day before shitting all over it.

I’ve had 3 2nd interviews in the past week and have an onsite interview scheduled for next Friday.  Fuck this place, and fuck this boss.  I’m out.

I am not the original poster. Please don’t contact or comment on linked posts