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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/rowsdower03 on 2024-06-26 08:14:20+00:00.

I don’t know where else to tell this without seeming crazy so here’s a first time post here.

My dad and I have a very complicated relationship. It boils down to childhood hero turned felon and now his only friend, personal anchor or not.

That being said, his health has been quickly declining. He keeps the details away from me because of his trauma of handling his own parents deaths.

His sister called me on Father’s Day to see what I had planned and was talking about his health. She wanted to know if he would say anything to me later when he came over, but he didn’t.

The next/last two times he’s came over, he talks a lot about other people dying and dropping hints about his own death or mortality.

Last night was the second time. I’m in the middle of learning a very difficult job and didn’t really have the mental patience for what his company meant. In the end however, I went outside for a serial, but unwanted, cigarette as he was leaving so I could spend a few more minutes with him and he wouldn’t feel like a burden.

Tonight I swear I heard his voice yell my name just a few yards east of my porch while I was smoking and sitting with dog. It was a frantic “last words” kind of gasp. I’ve had goosebumps every time I think about it and it’s been about 30 minutes. It just feels weird.