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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Accurate-Opposite954 on 2024-06-26 09:24:26+00:00.

When I was about 6 years old, I stayed at my grandmothers quite frequently. She lived in a mobile home (trailer) and the washroom and living room were on opposite sides of the trailer.

One day I walked to the end of the hallway to use the washroom and when I looked inside to find the light switch and turn it on I seen my cousin who sometimes visits my grandmas look me directly in the eye and put her finger up to her lips like this 🤫 as if to say SHHHH, but she was completely silent. She then got on her hands and knees and crawled behind the counter and out of sight.

I felt a feeling of dread and instantly knew this wasn’t my cousin or even a human being for that matter. I took off running and screaming for my grandma and we searched the entire trailer together, it was only us in there

While we searched I told her I seen my cousin in there and she told me not to be silly, my cousin is not visiting town she is home, which is a couple hours drive away. To this day I don’t know what I saw or why I saw it or why it made the 🤫 shhh gesture.