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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/jollyroger69420 on 2024-06-27 02:42:36+00:00.

Published this week by On the Dot with David Schechter, the following 6 minute video covers the danger of heat stress in a warming world. Schechter interviews Dr. Larry Kenney, a professor of physiology and kinesiology at Kenn State. Mr. Professor Doctor is focusing on how heat stress impacts the elderly (60+) and criticizes the calculation used to give us a “real feel” temperature. Collapse related because Kenney’s research is already showing heat stress is a lot harsher on the body, and far more fatal, than what was previously believed.

If it becomes too hot to work outside for much of the year in large agricultural parts of the world, famine will kill us before the heat does. Robot tractors and farm drones are still too niche and expensive to reasonably feed 8 billion people.