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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Plane-Extent-6975 on 2024-06-27 18:55:51+00:00.

Let me get this straight…

A team of coworkers who have worked together for 10 years, all work remote, but you want your new hire to work in the office every day with no guarantee of remote work “because we need someone in the office”.

“We’ll help you get trained”

“We need someone who can figure it out instead of making a phone call.”

So how am I supposed to get trained?

“What do you know about computers?”

What does that even mean?!

“We’re a big business but also a small business.”

“There’s always exceptions to the rules. People will tell you different things.”

So how does someone know what the right thing is?

The hiring manager is big mad because the last person in the role is leaving after 2 years.

How in the fuck would you expect someone to “have longevity” in a place like that?!

This is insane.