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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Bailey7221 on 2024-06-27 18:22:10+00:00.

Hi there, Last night i had a lot of paranormal activity happen between 1-2:30am last night. A few things here and there but the main one that stood out was someone grabbing my stomach. I was fully awake (i just checked my phone two minutes prior) but there was no doubt that a small hand (?) or something grabbed my stomach. I definitely think this activity isn’t related to what happened next but for sure weird as hell. I eventually fell asleep and at exactly 8:24am i got a call from an unknown number. I don’t answer calls that i don’t know so i ignored it because if it was “that important” they’d leave a voicemail. A minute goes by and i got a notification saying that they left a message. I log into my voicemail and i hear my papa say his full name and after that static. I, of course beat myself up for not answering then immediately call back the number. “The number that you are trying to reach is not in service” I am just in awe right now. Prior to this, on father’s day I went to his gravesite and told him that i’d like a sign. I specifically told him to not show himself or these signs after 10:00 (because i’m a wuss) and i think he answered my prayers! Thanks for reading! i might clip the video because if someone is able to differentiate what the static says or means that would be greatly appreciated :))

Edit: I’d also like to mention that he has never had this phone number.