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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/relief_wiggly on 2024-06-27 23:50:34+00:00.

So, my roommate (let’s call her Emily) recently started streaming in her hot tub. I knew she did some kind of streaming but didn’t know the details until yesterday. I had a long day at work and just wanted to chill. Emily usually streams late at night, so I didn’t think she’d be streaming in the afternoon. Big mistake.

I came home, and the house was unusually quiet. I figured Emily was out or something. I walked to my room, which is right next to hers. As I passed by her door, I heard some muffled talking and thought maybe she was on a call. Didn’t think much of it. I got to my room and realized I left my phone charger in the living room. So, I went back out and walked past her room again. This time, her door was slightly ajar. Curiosity got the better of me, and I peeked in.

There she was, in a bikini, sitting in an inflatable hot tub with a camera set up. She was talking to her viewers and didn’t notice me at first. I must have made some noise because suddenly she turned her head and saw me. Our eyes met, and for a solid 5 seconds, we just stared at each other in shock. She quickly muted her mic and yelled, “Can you knock next time?!”

I mumbled an apology and awkwardly shuffled back to my room, face burning with embarrassment. I heard her unmute and laugh it off with her viewers, saying something like, “Roommates, am I right?”

Now I feel like I’ve invaded her space, and things have been a bit tense since. I’ve been trying to avoid her, but we live together, so it’s kinda hard. Moral of the story: always knock, even if you think the coast is clear.

TL;DR accidentaly saw on my roommate streaming adult content