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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/onepiece931 on 2024-06-27 23:31:13+00:00.

  1. The latest patch made it so brooch is affected by mana cost reductions.


  1. With Veiled One facet, blur gives 100% mana cost reduction for 5 secs. (which might as well be permanent with aghs)

So PA can essentially use brooch for free. You might argue that crits don’t work with brooch. Which brings me to the next point.

  1. 7.34

Coup de grace is now a weird crit that gives you a buff. PA can still gain this buff with brooch atks and they dont get consumed by brooch atks. Meaning you can toggle off brooch every time you see the skull over your head, get the critical hit and then toggle back.

This is hard to do perfectly, but you dont have to be perfect. Even if you are late, the buff isnt going anywhere since its not consumed by brooch hits and it has a 10 sec duration. Just toggling once in a while is still good enough.

PS - A late game Refresher Orb on PA is quite great too. Using a 350 mana cost item for 0 mana is insane!