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The original was posted on /r/truespotify by /u/No_Discount527 on 2024-06-28 13:03:31+00:00.

Greetings fellow Spotify users,

A few years ago, user Walrusman suggested a fantastic idea on the Spotify Community forum: the ability to create collections or lists of whole albums. Unfortunately, it didn’t gain enough traction back then, and the developers decided not to pursue it. But I believe it’s time to bring this idea back and make it happen.

What’s the idea? Imagine being able to organize your favorite albums into collections, similar to how you can create playlists. This isn’t just about adding individual songs to a playlist, but grouping entire albums together.

The Problem: Sure, we can add albums to regular playlists, but they end up as a long list of separate songs. This is messy and makes it difficult to see which albums are included, how many albums are there, or if there are any missing songs. It’s a cluttered experience that takes away from the joy of listening to a complete album.

The Solution: With album collections, we could:

  • Easily see and manage which albums are added to a collection.
  • Quickly select and download entire albums by toggling the download button of a collection.
  • Re-order albums within a collection swiftly, unlike the tedious process of re-ordering songs in a playlist.
  • Listen to certain albums in a specific or random order without manually adding each album to the queue one by one.

This would make album listening on Spotify so much smoother and more enjoyable.

How you can help: I’ve found the original idea post on the Spotify Community forum. If you agree that this feature would be awesome, please upvote and comment on the post to bring it back to the developers’ attention. Here’s the link: Spotify Album Collections Idea.