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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/razodactyl on 2024-06-28 22:14:25+00:00.

When I studied game design in university, we used Secondlife to simulate The Bees Algorithm. I added a new feature to this project I’m working on and it blew my mind to watch Claude and GPT collaborate and create simple AI for the enemies in this survival game prototype.

It makes me realise that we’re in for a wild ride in the next 10 years.

More of humanity is being unchained from their inability to freely create and are now provided more opportunity than ever.

What really irks me is that we’re literally yielding science fiction levels of technology and there are countries on the other side of the world trying to kill each other.

Note: The ability to create “Artefacts” to me is considered MVP / prototype - It’s hard to do everything as a lone-developer but if you’re looking for Claude with internet you should check it out. Prefix messages with !claude to use the Sonnet 3.5 model and ask it to create HTML applications etc. Something like “Please create a single page HTML implementation of Snake” is usually a good first example.

Note: Signup / usage is actually free but if you’re so inclined - use REDDIT50 for half price - your support would mean a lot to me.

Note: The pricing is more to scare away too many users as I’m trying to slowly scale up without upsetting the existing user-base but I’m more than happy to cater for individual needs and even happier to teach anyone how to properly use AI systems to achieve what they want out of it.
