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The original was posted on /r/blockedandreported by /u/SafiyaO on 2024-06-29 02:00:01+00:00.

Connection to the show - pretendians have been discussed several times including Sciencing Bi and Buffy Saint Marie.

The story involves a mother (of Indian Punjabi heritage judging by the name) enrolling her daughters within a tribe and subsequently obtaining a fair chunk of cash. S

From the article:

Between September 2020 to March 2023 Nadya and Amira received C$158,254.05 in benefits from Nunavut organizations, according to the agreed statement of facts. A further C$64,413 was on hold for Amira Gill in the spring of 2023, but was not paid out.

According to a recent feature in Toronto Life, Nadya and Amira were vocal about their Inuit identity while at university. The pair started an online business, Kanata Trade Company, purportedly run by “twin Inuit sisters”.

Their mother, Karima, was the CEO and the business, which sold items designed by Indigenous craftspeople, was certified by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.

But questions swirled over the sisters’ past and their non-existent ancestral ties to Nunavut.