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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Moribunde on 2024-06-30 09:14:18+00:00.

In the endless FUD repeated by Shillions, “Every Buy has a Sell,” is commonly found in reference to On Balance Volume, with naked shorting though, the buy doesn’t come until much much later. Below you will see GME from 2015 - 2020 where it lay in the hospital bed covered in leeches, it was bled out so much that the OBV went negative to the value of almost twice the float (at the time) on the daily. It hits -5b in the monthly. Such a negative value is irregular and indicative of manipulation and naked shorting.

GME 2015 to the low of 2020

OBV is the measure of positive or negative sentiment through the use of volume for the interval selected. To many, this indicator is difficult to read, provides little insight for entries as its divergences are small on a normal stock, and provide little guarantee of direction on a manipulated one. Often you will find OBV tracks a stock nearly in lockstep and when it does diverge you won’t have the time to react by the time you notice.

Tesla shows a Bullish divergence as the daily OBV shows that investor sentiment has maintained stronger than price

This is even with a significant increase in shares sold into the market

Microsoft as a comparison shows that the OBV was initially bullish, likely supported by buybacks, but still tracks closely. It ends with a bearish divergence as sentiment no longer supports the price. The buybacks were small in reference to its total 0.2/7.6B shares.

OBV is not meant for the short term, it is a long term indicator that can reveal the reality of the trend of a stock. There is no other stock quite like GameStop to show BULLISH AF divergence. The sneeze of Jan 2021 shows the rapid exchange of shares between institutions, SHFs, and even to a small degree retail. As the price rose, we witnessed a positive trend of total volume to the Billions on a share count of 260m. A smaller float, makes for a more aggressive rise in price when BILLIONS of shares are suddenly being forcefully covered. And yet, just as aggressive the rise, came the fall, from a peak of about 508 to 40s pre-split, on basically no volume. This rise and fall proved to be empty as the price spiked right back up before beginning it’s 3 year walk to the bottom in April of 2024. During these 3 years we witness OBV maintain and grow on the daily interval, while price craters to 9.95 post split.

Notice the significant divergence compared to the previous examples, it even goes in opposing directions when you graph out the 2 points (Jan 28, 2021 - Apr 16, 2024). Not to mention the Sneeze that led to the spike in OBV that MAINTAINED AND SUPPORTED a presplit valuation of 500ish. (OGs know what I mean, post if you remember the value)

This is a Bullish Divergence of massive proportions, built up over the course of years as the big boys played their game trying to shake Apes off the stock… Time and Pressure… Of course, if they can’t shake them, there are other ways for them to escape their naked short positions.

Through significant dilution of a stock one can expect to see OBV crater as buying pressure fails under the weight of the increasing proportion of shares. Eventually any significant volume of positive sentiment would not be sufficient to move the stock because the float is simply too large in comparison. This is seen in Popcorn, where the share count increases from 25m to 296m from late 2020 to today June 28, 2024. While Popcorn apes were able to HODL the line until Aug 2023, they collapsed under the weight of 140m new shares being introduced from that month to today, nearly doubling the total in a year. There was probably something wrong with the “APE” share thing as well, but I didn’t pay attention to that.

Highly manipulated and shorted stocks tend to show an elevated OBV, when you see it collapse it’s like the bowstring suddenly breaking. Once broken they decide to reload the string, but the price simply did nothing.

Notice the increase in shares in popcorn are 12x while GME only increased by approximately 64%. Popcorn harvested the naked shares and set fire to the farm, while GME is running a long lasting prosperous farm where they can drip out ATMs when the action is most sensible.

How to spring a leak in the basket and take as much retail money as possible.

How to introduce 120m shares and keep OBV elevated. A masterclass in running a business… A business of farming dumb stormtroopers.

Some Theory ~ FTDs and Naked Short Selling are likely what allow for these ridiculous OBV trends to be possible. Without significant delays in BUYS, we would never see such significant divergences, at most they would match with charts like Microsoft and other bluechips.

The Key to Infinity lies in maintaining a healthy warehouse of naked shorts, only freeing some via ATM when you want your money. It’s like your own personal key to the Hedgie > Market Maker > Institution > Federal Reserve bank vault if you will.

TLDRS: Buy, DRS, and HODL GME to maintain that sexy elevated OBV. Put your money where your mouth is and watch as that bullish divergence fulfill its destiny.

Not financial advice, my investment decisions are extremely aggressive and not designed for everyone.