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The original was posted on /r/homelab by /u/marcin423 on 2024-06-30 14:11:44+00:00.

Thank you all for great source of inspiration for building my own homelab! I would like to contribute back to the community, and will be happy if someone finds something usefull. I published blog post about hardware selected to build minimalistic but still functional homelab.

  • Ubiquiti airMAX LiteBeam 5AC modem
  • TP-Link router ER605, managed switch SG2428P, access points EAP610
  • Dell Optiplex 3050 SSF server
  • Eaton 5S UPS
  • Dahua RTSP cameras

I’m going to write anothers parts about:

  • Virtualization (Proxmox) and IaaC (Terraform, Ansible)
  • Network configuration: Omada VLANs, ACLs, mDNS, VPN mesh (Tailscale)
  • Home automation (Home Assistant / Zigbee2MQTT)
  • Cameras surveillance system (Frigate)

Fingers crossed that I’ll find time for blogging! 🤞