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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/penswright on 2024-06-30 22:10:33+00:00.

I can honestly say that my steam deck is the best purchase I’ve made, ever. I’ve played thousands of hours on it, I’ve played 50+ games since I’ve got it as I didn’t even have a steam account before I got it, and I am quite satisfied with its performance.

Since news about the sd being made, competition handheld pcs have had a boom, each one more power efficient and sleek than the other, but I don’t care?

The main thing about the sd is that Valve/Steam made it for their own platform, that’s wicked amazing. To me it’s like, buying a bootleg console controller, yeah they might be theoretically better, but again, the original is just better.

Anyway this is me just moaning about how much the sd has made me happy and that I ultimately dont care about the highest fps rate and whatever tech jargon these companies throw out.