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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/74123669 on 2024-06-30 22:41:11+00:00.

Yesterday night I was kind of drunk, which is quite unusual for me, and kind of sad and upset, and I had a very weird dream. Alcohol always makes my dreams “stronger” in some sense. At some point in this dream that I had, I began to feel very upset and betrayed towards some people in the dream. These strong emotions lead me to want to be, for lack of better terms, closer to death. I want to clarify that my mental health is pretty good. It was as if in this dream I was in a place resembling a mountain, and I could move towards a place closer to death, to have a look at this place. Eventually I felt I found such a place, and I glimpsed a greyish landscape - could be either rocky or concrete, and I was approaching this place; somehow I was transitioning into a different area of the dream setting. I knew this place was some sort of land of death, but there were probably people in it. Just before I could set my eyes on this new area, a loud voice of an old lady sounded in my head “NOT YET” as it was an order, and I felt pushed away from the dream into a waking state, like when you wake up from a nightmare. I would love to hear about similar experiences.