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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/itsLulz on 2024-06-30 22:26:30+00:00.

So I’ve heard the stories of MMO’s and the social experience from back in the day. Never experienced it… until today I think.

I’ve been playing GW2 for about 1k hrs. Still a noob and learning. I’m caught up with the story. Now I created a Thief and leveling him up from the ground up and re-doing the stories for achievements and masteries. I’m doing this because I actually decided to make my character look like me and now I’M in GW2 and he’s going to be my main from now on. I did the dungeons maybe two years ago and I forgot how to do Ascalonian Catacombs (the howling king). I found an LFG from a group of new players. When I tell you it was an experience. We were cracking jokes, talking strategy to figure out how to clear certain areas, I think it took us an hour and a half to clear this whole thing. We were COMMUNICATING. It felt soooo good. We even had a laughing moment:

I remembered the strategy to kill the ghost in the middle of the map. you know… the corner. We didn’t do it right the first two times. On the third I said trust the corner. It became a joke lol (see pic)

I know a lot of Vets who try to help out and want to just run through everything. I think you should let new players figure it out and give them tips when they want to. even if it takes forever and if you know how to do it. Because I’ve done this before and everyone just runs ahead and deactivates traps and they just want to clear it fast. You don’t open the opportunity for these things to happen.

we ended up adding each other and we’re going to do the other two. Is this how it was back in the day?