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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/OwnEstablishment6067 on 2024-07-01 03:11:45+00:00.

Last night was the first night in a long time I’d been alone overnight, as my boyfriend went to visit his mother for the weekend. I was talking on the phone, when suddenly my call seemed to have been highjacked, and a raspy female whisper with a kind of static sound began to speak in words I didn’t understand, and I quickly got the feeling I needed to end the call, which I did, almost immediately. A short time later, I hear a soft tapping, almost like someone lightly packing cigarettes, right outside of my door, and I have no idea what it was. It went on, sort of rythmically for a couple of minutes, then stopped. I was spooked, but went to sleep a while later without further incident. Then, shortly after I woke up this morning, I heard a male voice, but it didn’t sound like a real person, it sounded like an old record, it was very static-y and I couldn’t understand some things it said, but it did keep repeating “Hey” and “Hi” right outside of my door. Neither of these occurrences are particularly scary, but altogether it gives me the creeps. Has anyone else experienced anything that you can’t see, but can hear, and that instant feeling that whatever it is, you shouldn’t acknowledge it, and it isnt good?