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The original was posted on /r/feedthebeast by /u/DirtyGravvy on 2024-07-01 00:55:02+00:00.

I have 2 PC: • An gaming laptop with 16 GB of RAM, 11th gen i7, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 with 12 GB of GPU (8 GB + 4 GB); • An older desktop with 8 GB of RAM, 11th gen i5 with NVIDIA GeForce RTX Super 1650.


Although I can play many modpacks with no issue at all on my laptop, such as ATM, the more complex it’s the texture alongside building complexity inside the modpacks, kills my perfomance with tremendous FPS drops.

To try to reduce FPS drops due to texture complexity, I’ve been using a 8x8 texture pack to improve perfomance which has been working tremendously well. This makes me able to play with shaders (potato settings) with an overall temperature (°C) bellow 80°C with basic fans and no water-cooling.

However, since I have an spare PC I’ve been wondering of my perfomance would be better if I use the desktop as an server instead of playing on my laptop.

Still, since the overall setting of my desktop is way worse than my laptop, wouldn’t be just a waste of time trying to set the server since the perfomance could be way worse since it would have a way lower RAM allocationg and graphical processing unit?

TLDR: Is worth it trying to set a server on an old desktop if the gaming laptop I use have WAY better settings?