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The original was posted on /r/pcmasterrace by /u/redditgetsabadrep on 2024-07-02 13:14:55+00:00.

My friend was talking about building a PC and me being experienced was helping him out. Once we were talking about CPU’s I was suggesting A 12600k and a 3060 TI. Mid sentence he interrupted and told me “I think have a I7 In my Chromebook il take that out of there”. Later in the convo after informing about how your Chromebook does not have a “I7” and you don’t need a “I7”, he asked about if he should wait for the 50 series’ cards. (He plays Fortnite). Is it just me but beginner PC enthusiasts and consumers fall into the trap of I9 good I3 bad. They think they need a New gen I9 for a game like Fortnite. anyone have stories?