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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/alimousios on 2024-07-02 07:41:37+00:00.

Hello everyone,

I am an ff xiv player and im thinking of starting this game with my gf as we both like to do exploration and open world things together and gw2 supposedly does this best and doesnt have a long ass story like xiv. Here are some questions i have:

Is the old content relevant?

What about the player base, is it decent (steam isnt a good metric i suppose)?

Is there any hard fomo?

Is the content update good?

Is there a strong pve group content community or more pvp? Edit: - more interested in pve and achievements completion is there any difference on getting it on steam or their own client? i would imagine their client would be better? also i dont see a lot of updated content on yt etc i suppose its like xiv where you cant judge the game state by its content on media