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The original was posted on /r/paymoneywubby by /u/ScamLikelyAway on 2024-07-02 14:02:59+00:00.

Everyone submits a before and after pic related to some significant change in their life (weight, appearance, fashion style, house, car, whatever) and Booty shows one of those pictures to Wubby, and he has to guess if it’s before or after, and what changed.

I can picture it now:

A picture of a fat guy, wubby saying “this is before… right?” but it’s the after picture and he used to be even bigger. Or maybe he used to be ripped. Who knows ¯_(ツ)_/¯

A picture of someone’s destroyed house. Did they repair, and the next pic is the after? Nope. This is the after pic. Hurricane. Womp womp.

Maybe a half baked idea, but with this community, I feel like there’s potential…