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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/decambra89 on 2024-07-02 13:44:24+00:00.

We were in La Tuque, Quebec. It was around half-past midnight. There were four of us around a fire. In La Tuque, the sky was completely clear and unobstructed. And since it’s in northern Quebec, there is no light pollution, so the visibility of the sky was at its peak. Also, just to put you in context, the cabin we were at is at a 30 minutes drive in the woods, on a dirt road, and you gotta know where it’s at. It’s remote enough that if you get injured, they’d probably have to come get you by helicopter.

We had been talking for about an hour or so about unexplained phenomena and space when, while contemplating the sky, we saw a green glow moving in the sky. It was very far away, very high, and very large in circumference (I would say 4-5 school buses): it was a green glow, with a smaller, whiter point in the middle. The speed was constant, and it moved in a straight line above the lake and then went behind the only cloud on the horizon. It made no sound.

I’m 35 and I have never seen anything like it, but I can tell you what it was not. It was not:

  • a plane;
  • a satellite;
  • a drone;
  • a meteor;
  • an aurora;
  • an animal.

Given the distance and the speed at which it moved, it was moving very fast. It remained stationary for about 5 minutes, and the movement lasted about a minute.

The attached video is an actual photo of the chalet where we were, which I modified to represent what we saw. I added the sky (stars) and the green glow. I consider it to be 95% accurate in terms of size, time, and appearance.

I’m not claiming that we believe in extraterrestrials, but I’m simply saying that this is what we saw, and we were left in awe. What do you think it could be?