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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/AchduSchande on 2024-07-02 20:15:43+00:00.

So I am a caterer. I have been in our area for almost two years now, and have been relatively successful. I had a call last week from an insurance agent who wanted to put in a “thank you” dinner for his corporate clients.

As we went over menu ideas, I mentioned beef shanks braised in red wine. He said he didn’t drink, so was not comfortable with food cooked in alcohol. He then quickly added: or tea or coffee.

I asked if he was Mormon, and explained I was raised Mormon. He was quite excited and started to share how he was. We joked and bonded over common Mormon foods we could add to the menu, but shouldn’t (funeral potatoes, shredded carrots in green Jell-o, etc).

The meeting had an overall positive and fun vibe. We had a menu and price agreed, and as he was leaving, he asked why he hadn’t seen me at church. I explained that I was no longer a member. He sort of paused and his whole demeanor changed. He was suddenly tripping over his words and wouldn’t look me in the eye. As he left, he said he would think about it and get back to me.

This confused me, as we had agreed on everything, including dates and times. He even signed aour normalcontract. But I pride myself on low pressure, so I told him to get back to me within a week, if he wanted to go forward.

Anyways he calls me today and says he won’t be needing my services, as he doesn’t think we are a good fit. He said he preferred someone who could respect his personal choices. This confused me as we hadn’t disagreed on anything, had had an amazing rapport.

It may be a leap, but I think my being an ExMormon cost me the gig! In all my years running my own businesses, this has never been an issue. Hell, one of my regular clients has me do Kosher cuisine for his synagogue, even though I am a goy.

This was such a stranger interaction…