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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/ExtinguishTheSun on 2024-07-02 19:49:19+00:00.

Had an idea, just wanted to write

275th century, unknown forensics office

An article written regarding Humanity comes to view. Which xenos this came from mattered not. You have to place something in your report for the other crime analysts and there were simply too many xenos to keep track of. Central isn’t helping by hoarding all the information and this was the first Human you have seen. And it was found after a gang war in upper atmosphere.


“The Humans are a race that is average in measures of intelligence and strength, with slightly higher endurance. They are also carbon-based, bipedal, social, evolved from pre-existing organisms, and with no extraphysical abilities. They are also slightly lower in intraspecies uniformity due to faster than average mutation of language and culture among their colonies as well as lack of any semblance of telepathy-”


It was more information about Human anatomy and composition that did not match the body you saw earlier. You verify the initial report and it is indeed Human. Or whatever flesh remained is. It is mostly metal and advanced synthetics. Physical modifications are known to be incredibly dangerous due to malfunctions and the damage they wreak on immune systems.

You recall some erratic behavior by Humans from old logs and assume that might be the reason for the augmentations and implants. That must be the cause of death as well, what with those limbs covered in blood. You’ll just have to receive confirmation from the other team that will investigate that. Yet, which xenos didn’t have their share of crazies? And no troublemaker you’ve seen so far has altered their body this much either. You try to recall any xenos that would do this but find none which makes this a first. Maybe the authoritarian and telepathic Tuleiris but none of those hollow-eyed sods would replace their limbs and half their organs like this one. While those thoughts swirl, you search for more about Humans.


“It was their star system that was among the dimmest during the Grand Darkness. Humanity also drove back incursions, dealing heavy losses on attackers but at a huge price. Estimates place their home world’s population shrinking by a staggering 78% followed closely by their colonies. Most surviving members of this race have embraced modified body parts to reduce caloric intake and to further integrate other sources of power-“


No one knew what exactly caused it and how it stopped but, all stars in the galaxy weakened. The results for most races were catastrophic as their technology and economy one way or another depended on these stars. Trillions starved and all those uncivilized xenos waged even more war to grab what little was left. That was centuries ago, however, and now you wonder where Humans have gone and how this one ended up here. You search for more but that seems to be all that you can find so you try to write some more nonsense to at least lengthen your report. No one seems to be interested in humans at all, perhaps they’re near extinct.

While writing, you ask if they never left that era? One thing is for sure though, no other xenos would go this far to modify their bodies and now you doubt whether the blood on its limbs is actually its own.