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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/mushmushmush on 2024-07-02 23:17:44+00:00.

For some reason the JRE episode of with Grusch from a while back was just uploaded to YouTube. It made me listen again and I caught something I haven’t seen brought up before. At 1:03:40 to 1:04:00 Grusch is talking about recovered biologics and says you can also refer to them as dead pilots but then says

“You don’t even think they were ever alive, and I’ll leave it at that”

That’s a very weird thing to say and I wonder has anyone any insight to this. Maybe I’m picking it up wrong but is he saying they are putting in bodies that have never been alive. Almost like they can make a biological body that has never been alive?

Then what purpose would they do this for. Also how can you tell if a body has never been alive? Espically if its of a alien.