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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Fickle_Reveal_1828 on 2024-07-03 04:57:59+00:00.

So, I was a young endowed guy, probably about 21 when a coworker of mine seduced me. I had intense guilt afterwards and met with my Bishop. I fully expected to be excommunicated but instead, my very kind Bishop disfellowshiped me; no formal court - no sacrament, temple or public praying for about 3-4 months. Although I was very appreciative of his kindness, it is my belief that the “stain” of my “sin”, must have been on my membership record for my entire active life, because I was never called to a leadership position. I’m now 68. I learned the truth about the church about 8 months ago and have enjoyed the most joyful, guilt-free and shame free years of my entire life!!!