This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/monero by /u/Moner-Master on 2024-07-02 18:47:43+00:00.

I had the privilege of recently being featured on the Monerotopia podcast with Douglas Tuman, the mastermind behind XMR Bazaar.

We explore the differences between the MCEP and the MCEPm while also outlining tips to improve your marketplace listings.

Finally, I outline my personal views of Monero mass adoption.

You can see our full discussion here:

In short here are some key takeaways to improve your listings:

  • Headline of 6 words
  • Headline answers the question “what is it”
  • Clear image correctly cropped
  • Description outlining problem that you solve
  • Description with short paragraphs (no more than 3 sentences)
  • Offer a discount
  • Use the MCEP
  • Share your P2Pool Observer link