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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/deletethissoon43 on 2024-07-03 19:20:53+00:00.

Hey y’all,

I TRULY don’t understand how some Mormon historians (whether it’d be of the old American west or Mesoamerica) study extensively and are STILL LDS??! Like, if it’s from a theological and spiritual perspective…whatever y’know?? But to THINK The Book of Mormon is some kind of “secret history” about Mesoamerica is fuckin’ gross!! It’s white washing to the worst degree and I hate how Mormons say this with so much pride in their chest when dummies like me know it’s just incorrect. And it doesn’t even take much to disprove it!!

That’s all; I’m just mad having been raised 2nd generation (Venezuelan btw) and how my household tried to embrace more the Mormon narrative rather than my own people’s narrative.