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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Senor_Farquaad on 2024-07-03 21:11:13+00:00.

While my grandma was on her deathbed I found myself alone with her. I decided to ask her, “Grandma, if you could go back what would you do differently.” In her lazyboy recliner she pondered then proceeded to tell me how in her whole life, she was no in her late 80s, she had only ever sinned twice.

I asked her what her two sins were. In her soft voice she told me, “Once I was at a restaurant and ordered root beer. I drank it. It didn’t taste right so I asked the waitress what it was. It was Coca Cola.”

I was shook to my core to find out that my grandmother actually drank that horrendous beverage.

Then I asked what her other sin was. She stared me down then slowly proceeded to tell me a story from her high school days. She told me, “My mom dropped me off at the school for an event. When she dropped me off she told me that I was to walk home. The event ended late at night. I began to walk home then a car pulled up next to me. There was a man inside who offered to give me a ride home.” As I listened to my grandma I was on the edge of me seat waiting to hear a crazy death bed confession with this man. She continued, “I got in the car with him then he dropped me off at my house. When my mom asked if I walked home I said that I did.” She lied to her mother.

Aside from lying once and accidentally drinking coke my grandma led a perfect life.

Sarcasm aside this is a completely true story. Those were my grandmas only two regrets from life. My family and I always laugh about this. Though my grandma was pretty much what you would expect from a TBM of her day, she made life interesting and has given us a lot of good stories.