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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/dad2electricboogaloo on 2024-07-04 01:05:03+00:00.

I’ve been dealing with some severe health issues, and a friend of mine offered me a blessing, knowing fully my stance.

I’ve been out for 7 years now, and this moment made me realize something: I’m completely over it. In the past, I’ve always found blessing offers to be at best an eye roll and at worst insulting. Like your magical abilities make you able to heal me, wow you’re so much more righteous than I am, thank you so much 🤨

This time it just hit different. He saw I was suffering, and he offered to help in the best way to his understanding. He didn’t mean any judgement by it, he was truly being caring. I immediately found it endearing and kind, rather than condescending. When I politely declined, there was absolutely no judgement.

Sometimes our Mormon friends really just want what’s best for us, and I have to love that, even if I think their way of doing it is looney.