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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/feedthebear on 2024-07-03 22:48:04+00:00.

Just finished watching Fatal Atrraction (1987) starring Michael Douglas and Glenn Close. Douglas’s character is held out as this high-flying professional with an important job.

Douglas cheats on his wife and then fails to prevent this unhinged woman played by Glenn Close who he had the affair with intruding in his life. Close proceeds to kidnap his child for a day, kill the child’s pet bunny, and nearly murder his wife. He fails or falls short every step of the way even in killing Close’s character. His poor suffering wife who he cheated on and who had forgiven him even has to shoot Close’s character dead in the end. Douglas spends the entrire film either playing catch up or oblivious to what’s going on and he accomplishes nothing. His entire family is completely traumatised and all he’s done is fuck about the entire run time.